What has taken place to create an "acid swell" condition?
The next photo is the same collagen photo from above. The one right below it is from the acid swell cape AFTER some serious chemical manipulatons. These fibres were formed from the gelatinous mass, or mess, that was the dermal layer of skin of the acid swell cape. The same stuff like you saw next to the pencil.
At a glance, or to the casual observer, the fibres in the two photos look the same. But if you look closely at the two photos, you will see in the second photo (originally the acid swell) that the fibres are linear, or even appear to be braided.
I am having a hard time trying to figure out how to get that helical twist back in there. I am so dumb.
Once the cape was brought to the state like you saw above, I pinched Ritchie's initials into it, and sent him this photo.